Pets and Fireworks: FREE Safety Guide
Pets and fireworks don’t mix!
If your pet suffers with firework or other noise phobia and usually becomes distressed at this time, make an appointment to come in and chat to one of our nurses or vets about available therapies to help with noise phobia.
We’ve created this useful fears and phobias download for you. It has some really useful tips and advice on how to keep your pets calm during the fireworks season.
Fill in your details to get your FREE PDF Guide.
Have you heard about our Pet Health Club?
Members of the club save 10% on consultations, which includes help with anxious pets, training and anything else you may need.
Membership also includes...
- Annual Health Check
- Booster Vaccinations
- Flea Treatments
- Worming Treatments
- 10% discount on: Primary consultation fee
- 10% discount on: Kennel cough vaccination
Download your FREE pets and fireworks safety advice guide: ‘Firework Fears and Phobias‘
How we use your data: When you request to download our Firework Fears and Phobias information, your name and email address will be added to our email list. Please don’t worry – we never share your details with any other companies. Occasionally we may send you a news bulletin or a special offer which we think our customers will be interested in. You can opt-out at any time.